April 2024 : MRI is looking for an engineer in Flow cytometry and Photonic microscopy
We are looking for an engineer who will spend his/her working time between 2 assignments within the MRI facility: facility manager for the IGH cytometry facility and work as an cytometry engineer and microscopy engineer on the IGH microscopy facility. The fixed-term contract starts on 15 June 2024 for one year and is renewable. The profile is available on the CNRS job portal:ici
Please, feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more informations.
March 2024 : MRI is looking for a technician for Electron Microscopy
We are looking for a technician dedicated to the sample preparation in electron microscopy. The fixed-term contract will run from as soon as possible until 31/12/2025. This person will work on the new MRI-EM4Bio facility recently created in building 24 on the Triolet Campus of the University of Montpellier. The profile is here.
2024 : Our training shedule for the year:
MRI has scheduled all its training activities (BioCampus workshops). These courses are given in french. The dates are as follows:
Microscopie à épi-fluorescence et microscopie confocale : de la base à la pratique : 4-7 march
Cytométrie en flux: de la préparation des échantillons à l’analyse des données: 19-20 march
Programmation des macros avec Image J: 26-28 march
Les bases du logiciel Image J : 25,26 et 29 april
L’apprentissage automatique (machine learning)appliqué à l’analyse d’images biologiques : 4-6 june
Imagerie avancée : Haute résolution en microscopie photonique : 26-26 june
Analyse d’images 3D : 8-10 october
Formation FlowJo niveau débutant : 7 november
January 2024 : Best wishes :
MRI wishes you all a very happy new year 2024. As every year, MRI staff will be on hand to provide you with the best possible support for your research projects.
9-17 november 2023 : MRI at Mifobio :
6 MRI engineer and the MRI scientific director attended the latest edition of the Mifobio 2023 theme school on the Giens peninsula. An ideal opportunity to learn about the latest technological advances and an excellent way to share our experience through workshops and round tables.
october 2023 : MRI video online! :
As part of its 20th anniversary celebrations, MRI has produced a new video of the facility, looking backwards and forwards.
In preview!
17 - 19 octobre 2023 : Symposium "Imagine Life : the Future" :
As part of its 20th anniversary celebrations, MRI organised a symposium at the Corum in Montpellier. This 2.5-day symposium aims to examine how future developments in light/electron microscopy and image analysis could further transform research in animal and plant biology at multiple scales, from molecules to tissues. The symposium will include 7 thematic sessions (image analysis, cancer biology, plant biology, 3D genome architecture and transcription, neurosciences, cell and developmental biology, infection and immunity).
29 september - 31 october 2023 : Photo exhibition "La vie est belle"
MRI is organising a photo exhibition of 44 large-format science photos entitled "La Vie est belle!" as part of its 20th anniversary celebrations. This exhibition is open at the Montpellier Jardin des Plantes (Blvd Henri IV) until 31 October. This exhibition combines 32 scientific photos taken on the MRI platform and communicated by its users and 12 ambient photos, which show the process of capturing these images.
Entrance to the exhibition is free and the venue magical. Don't miss the exhibition and come along with your family or friends: you don't have to be a scientist to enjoy it!
21 september 2023 : Seminar by Laurence Berry about the new MRI-EM4Bio electron microscopy facility
On the occasion of the creation of an electron microscopy service on MRI, we are pleased to announce a seminar to be held on 21 September at 9.45am in room sc36.09 of the Triolet Campus (new white building at the entrance to the University). Laurence Berry, who is in charge of the facility, will explain the range of technologies and applications we can offer you, based on the use of the microscope recently installed in building 24, the Zeiss Gemini 360 and the volutome. This microscope was funded as part of the European ReactEU program.
A dedicated webpage is currently under contruction.
13-15 june 2023 : ANF OMERO
Julio Mateos-Langerak and Amelie Sarrazin, 2 MRI engineers, are involved in the ANF "OMERO training" organisation. Around ten people from all over France have received training in the advanced functions of OMERO.
8 june 2023 : Visit from the French Minister for Health and Prevention to the MRI-IRMB cytometry facility
As part of a visit to Montpellier's university hospital institute dedicated to systemic autoimmune diseases, François Braun, the French Minister for Health and Prevention, stopped off at the MRI-IRMB cytometry facility. Christophe Duperray took the opportunity to explain spectral cytometry to him.
15 May 2023 : A new facility at IRCM for photonic microscopy and a new slide scanner
We are pleased to announce the creation and opening of a new facility MRI-IRCM dedicated to the photonic microscopy. You will find all the informations relative to the equipments on specific webpage. This facility offers access to a new Pannoramic slide scanner from 3D-Histech company This scanner is equiped for brightfield and fluorescence images. This facility is technically managed by Céline Talignani. Please feel free to contact her.
May 2023 : MRI was present to the 5th Neubias symposium
Volker Baecker and Clément Benedetti from image analysis service actively participated in Porto to the training session and Nuebias conference. Volker has presented the Biaflows platform.
April 2023 : A new MRI-CIA service devoted to image analysis
MRI is happy to announce the opening of the MRI-CIA image analysis service. You will find all the information related to its mode of operation and its means in the dedicated pages of our website. Every fortnight, the MRI-CIA service offers an open-desk to learn about your questions and projects in image analysis. The calendar is displayed on the dedicated page and the meetings will take place in the Jeanteur seminar room of the IGMM. Don't hesitate to come!.
April 2023 : 4th meeting of ORI in Montpellier
MRI had the pleasure of organising the 4th Occitanie Réseau Imagerie meeting on 11 April 2023 at the Génopolys site. We discussed on the activities of our respective imaging platforms with our colleagues from Toulouse (TRI), our colleague from Perpignan (bio-environment platform) and our colleague from Banyuls (BioPIC). See you next year.
April 2023 : MRI was present to FOM2023
Orestis Faklaris, MRI engineer, was présent to FOM-2023 in Porto. He has presented a poster about the lastest joint work with RTmFm about the quality control on microscopes. With our beloved QuarepLimi members on site.
March to June 2023 : MRI BioCampus Worshops
The next BioCampus workshops organised by MRI:
-6-9 march: Microscopie à épi-fluorescence et microscopie confocale : de la base à la pratique
-4-5 april: Cytométrie en flux : de la préparation des échantillons à l'analyse de données
-13-14-17 april: Les bases du logiciel ImageJ
-23-25 may: Programmation des macros avec imageJ
-19-20 june: Imagerie avancée: Haute résolution en microscopie photonique
-june: Les bases du logiciel OMERO
All the informations are on the Biocampus website
January 2023 : MRI wishes you a happy new year!
MRI has had an exceptional year in 2022 and we have no doubt that 2023, the year of MRI's 20th anniversary, will be just as eventful! Please click here if you want to know more in details the past events in 2022 and the future events in 2023.
See you soon at MRI facilities!
September to December 2022 : Welcome to all new MRI engineers
We are very happy to welcome new members in the MRI team : Clément Croisé (IT asset management apprentice), Clément Benedetti (engineer in image analysis), Felicia Leccia (engineer in cytometry) and Dominique Goubet (software developper on CFMS project)
Clément, Clément, Felicia, Dominique, Welcome among the MRI engineers staff!!
October 2022 : A new Aurora Cell sorter - MRI-IRMB facility
This sorter based on spectral cytometry is equipped with 4 lasers: blue, yellow, red, violet and allows a much more efficient separation of fluorochromes resulting in the possibility to increase the number of detectable colors simultaneously, theorically 35 simultaneous fluorochromes. All the characteristics are described on the dedicated webpage
Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information or to discuss your projects
October 2022 : MRI is involved in "En quête de Sciences" organised by the CNRS Occitanie Est delegation
On 13 and 14 October, MRI welcomed high school students in the "photography" professional section and hairdressing apprentices. On Saturday 15 October, the campus was open to the general public. It is always a great moment of sharing! We showed them cell division under a microscope!
Thanks to the "photography" pro section for their pictures!